Mystery Visits From Mystery Shopping Companies

Mystery Shopping

Detailed, targeted insight that influences behavioural change. Mystery shopping start with your front-line teams and end with real business impact.

Our ultimate goal is to empower your team with the knowledge and resources they need to enhance the overall customer experience, boost efficiency, and drive tangible, long-term business growth.

“We realise that data, by itself, does not initiate change... But people do. So we work closely with our clients to make sure they are interpreting feedback in a meaningful and actionable way. Our values are centred around giving feedback kindly to influence positive change, and our focus is on helping teams to understand behaviours.”

Janet Wood  Founder

Motivate your teams

Get one holistic view of business impact

Gather real-life insights

What is a Silent Customer?​

Silent Customers are mystery guests or mystery shoppers who give detailed, constructive feedback about their experiences.

Our Silent Customer difference lies in influencing change through encouragement and detailed narrative, rather than a box-ticking report.

We are the only mystery dining and mystery shopping business with a two-step validation process – every report is checked by a (human) validator and approver, to ensure that feedback is motivational for your teams.

What’s included in a Silent Customer report?​​

Silent Customers are asked to explain any negative answers and contribute any emotive perceptions, good and bad. Our aim is to word feedback as suggestions for improvements rather than just pointing out what is wrong.

What do you get if you work with us?​

There are over 10,000 Silent Customers around the UK, US and UAE, ready to mystery shop or mystery dine at restaurants, hotels, pubs and other leisure venues, and complete fully customisable surveys.

Completed surveys are checked twice by our quality control team before being emailed to you and your teams.

Access to our comprehensive, drill-down reporting dashboard is included as standard.

Full support from our small and friendly team. 

Reach Out Today

If you’re looking to improve your customer experience and enhance your operations, our secret shoppers, diners, or mystery guests can provide invaluable feedback to create a more positive and memorable experience for all future customers.

With years of experience and expertise in evaluating customer interactions and service delivery, you can access detailed feedback and actionable recommendations that will help you exceed customer expectations and outshine your competitors.

Ready to elevate your customer experience? Contact us today to learn more about our proven strategies and take the first step towards redefining excellence in customer service. Discover how we are one of the leading mystery shopper agencies in the UK.

Reputation Management

Mystery Visits

Phone & Online Audits

Free Training Tools

Free Training Tools

Intercepting Complaints

Check-backs and complaint handling go hand in hand. Intercepting a problem before a customer tells you, or Google, not only prevents negative word-of-mouth but can increase revenue through loyalty and positive PR.

Use our fun PEP talk sheets to support your front-line teams in learning how to avoid complaints.

Engaging Conversations

Building a natural and genuine rapport with guests can be the most positive and memorable part of their dining experience. Whilst the food and the environment can be remarkable by itself, making a customer feel that they are more than just a table number, has a far wider reach in terms of spreading positive word-of-mouth.

Use our fun PEP talk sheet to support your front-line teams in learning how to have engaging conversations.

Positive Body Language

Being able to communicate positivity, and with enthusiasm, encourages customers to reciprocate in the same manner. However, most of us are unaware of how we are perceived by others and, whilst we may think we are coming across as welcoming and friendly, our body language could be telling a different story.

Use our fun PEP talk sheet to support your front-line teams in understand the importance of self-awareness.

Relevant Recommendations

Team members need good product knowledge to be able to describe and enthuse, but often don’t know what many of the dishes taste like. A lack of upselling is also often due to a lack of confidence in knowing where to start a conversation that leads to a recommendation.

Use our fun PEP talk sheet to support your front-line teams in learning how to upsell.